Thursday 11 April 2013

Australian government criticized for misleading immigration figures

The Australian immigration minister has released figures which show that there were 12% more Temporary Work (Skilled) (Subclass 457) visas granted in February 2013 than in the same month in 2012.

Mr O'Connor said that this sharp rise justified the plans of the Australian government to reform the 457 visa system to prevent abuse of the system or 'rorting' as it is known in Australia. Critics say that most 457 visa applications are not fraudulent and that the visas are issued to foreign workers who are filling genuine gaps in the Australian labour market. They also say that the February figures have been taken out of context and are misleading because the number of 457 visas granted has actually been falling since August 2012.

In March, Mr O'Connor said 'Rogue employers are deliberately employing people from overseas without giving a local a chance' and called for a reform of the 457 visa system. On 3rd April, Mr O'Connor said 'The 457 increase continues…which…underlines the need to bring about the reforms so that the 457 visa is used for the purposes it was constructed – which, of course, is to fill temporary shortages'.


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